Kelly Atkinson |
Speech |
Wil Auld |
Web Communications, Fundamentals of Computer Science |
Jana Barrett |
Instructional Coach |
Stefanie Bean |
Instructional Coach |
Hudson Blair |
Math 7 |
Faith Brown |
Science 7 |
Matthew Bywater |
Principles of Engineering |
Katherine Calderon-Correa |
ELA 8 |
Javan Cashaw |
Science 8 |
Hunter Clark |
CASL Teacher |
Brandon Cockrell |
Boys Athletic Coordinator, P.E. |
Eric Coker |
US History, Texas History |
Brittany Compton |
ELA 8 |
Joe Contreras |
School Resource Deputy
Hector Cortes |
ELA 7 |
David Espinosa |
US History |
Amy Frevele |
Paraprofessional |
Julianne Friesenhahn |
Science 8 |
Natalie Garcia |
Health, Coach |
Abbigayle Habarta |
Paraprofessional |
Courtney Hamon |
Algebra I, Geometry |
Courtney Hearen |
Receptionist |
Emily Hughes |
ELA 7 |
Kendra Jones |
Band |
Colby Kitterman |
Texas History, Coach |
Melinda Loggins |
Art, Texas History |
Leslie Lopez |
Spanish |
Jacob Luker |
Science 7, Coach |
Brianna Martin |
ELA 8 |
Jennifer Massa |
Spanish |
Charles Matzig |
Touch System Data Entry |
Greg McDaniel |
Principles of Law |
Stefany McKee |
Math 7 |
Monica Menchaca |
Principles of Exercise Science, Athletic Trainer |
Monica Munguia |
Paraprofessional |
Yesenia Palacios |
Registrar |
David Parks |
Texas History, Coach |
Joann Polchin |
Paraprofessional |
Jonathan Pozzi |
Math 7/8 |
Michelle Prejean |
AB Teacher |
Lydia Ramirez |
Science 7 |
Mark Ramos |
Paraprofessional |
Christy Rhodes |
Librarian |
Kirsten Roper |
ELA 7/8 |
Madelyn Runyon |
Health, PE |
Dylon Russell |
Math 8 |
Brenda Savoy |
Reading 7/8 |
Nicole Shair |
Sub Coordinator, Library Assistant |
Nancy Sherrill |
Dyslexia Teacher |
Brady Sokora |
Math 8 |
Cielle Spivey |
PAAV, Art |
Latonya Still |
Brian Stout |
Choir |
Jacqueline Swann |
Paraprofessional |
Emily Swanson |
Math 7/8 |
Desiree Tercero |
Attendance Clerk |
Sarah Thibodeaux |
ELA 7 |
Meghan Ullmann |
Science 7 |
Jennie Voiles |
Diagnostician |
Jennifer Verdugo |
Girls Athletic Coordinator, P.E. |
Alonzo Warren |
Lisa Weir |
Melissa Wilkinson |
ARD Facilitator |
Matthew Williams |
US History, Coach |
Max Wilson |
Orchestra |
Lesley Zorn |
Band |